Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Getting ready for Memphis trip...

We're leaving in two days... So much to do...

We are looking foward to trying some real Memphis BBQ and heading to the Children's Museum. Ryan really wants to tour Graceland, but we can't see dropping $30 per person on it...

Reese went to the dentist for the first time on Monday. She did soooo good! She acted so grown up and answered every question they asked her. The staff were all amazed that she just turned three. Everyone agreed that she acted closer to four years old. They all loved our dog's name. Reese pronounces it as wazzy wazzle, but her name is Razzle Dazzle (Raz).

Ryan made a trip to the dentist on the same day. She went to the "adult" dentist for the first time. It's not nearly as fun as the kid dentist. There ae no brightly painted walls and bright shiny people and prize boxes. She did good though and was only a little disappointed about not getting stickers and temporary tattoos...

Girl Scout cookie sales are in full swing. We went to a few houses on our street tonight, but we have a ways to go to get to our 400 box goal!

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Baby it's cold outside!

This week we have seen record low temperatures in Dallas as well as the rest of the country. I knew it all along, and this week confirms it... I could never be a Yankee!

School was cancelled on Thursday. The roads weren't bad, so I'm not sure why they cancelled, but it was bitter cold (high of 25) so the kids were inside ALL day. Ryan and Rylee were thrilled! They jumped right out of bed and went to watch TV. Now, if it was a school day, they would have grumbled and grumbled, but noooooo... Reese was so upset about missing school. She really loves her preschool and wants to go everyday!

Today we went to Fort Worth for a family day. We had an early lunch at Angelos. It is a well known barbeque restaurant. It was a complete dive with decor straight from the 70s. The food was incredible!

After lunch we headed over to the newly renovated Fort Worth Museum of Nature and Science. We bought a family membership, so we will be going back. The kids had a blast. We all loved the planetarium. Reese loved the huge dinosaur skeleton and Ryan and Rylee also enjoyed the CSI interactive exhibit. They got to examine a crime scene and solve it by looking at evidence including bullets, pollen, and a hair sample. It was really cool!

-- Post From My iPhone

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Bracing ourselves for the cold!

Two days from now, Dallas will be the coldest it has been in 25 years! I'm NOT looking forward to it. I spent the day doing "cold weather prep". I bought new weather stripping for the back door and got the stuff to make two big pots of soup. I'm ready.

It's been hard getting back into the swing of things after our winter break. Ryan and Rylee have been hard to wake in the mornings. This morning, Rylee tried to roll out of the house wearing a red shirt, black leggings and hot pink flip flops. There was actually a big argument about whether she should change shoes or not. It was 28 degrees outside! She is a very obstinate child. Mix that with her unique sense of style and we've got some hard years ahead.

Reese's new favorite thing to do is to point to her butt and say, "hey doctor, can I have a new body? This ones got a crack in it!". 3 year olds ate truly comic relief!

Danny coerced me into going to the gym last night. I hadn't been since before Thanksgiving. He's been good about going, but I've been lax. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical. Not a bad start! Now he wants me to go back again tonight. I really hate working out!

-- Post From My iPhone

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Slacking already?

I just realized that I completely forgot to post yesterday!

The New Years party was fun. The kids had a blast and it was great to see old friends. Many of whom we only see once a year at the New Years day party. We ate too much food, watched football and shared laughs over stories of our college antics.

Yesterday we got up early and went to the Cereal Bar for breakfast. It's the kids favorite restaurant. Mainly because they can get 3 different kinds of chocolate cereal mixed together and topped with chocolate and marshmallows. Danny and I can actually eat healthy there though. They have wonderful steel cut oats and all sorts of fruit to top it with.

Danny took the older girls to play golf in the afternoon. We bought kid clubs a few years ago and they've never used them. I was worried that they would get bored and he would get mad, but they did very well and really enjoyed themselves. They definitely want to go again. Danny said he'll take them again too because he shot his best game ever. He says that the kids are good luck. Of course the improved game could be due to his brand new clubs, shoes and bag. I guess only time will tell.

For dinner, we checked one more place off of my "burgers I want to try" list and headed to 5 Guys. It was good. The burgers were juicy and delicious and the buns were good. The fries were seasoned very well. I give the edge to Moo Ya in this category though. The fries at Moo Ya are crispier...

-- Post From My iPhone

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Nothing much to report. We had fun last night. Danny may have had a little too much fun... I left the pimp and ho party around 10 and went to hang with my friends and neighbors. My friend Liz got off work at 11:30 and showed up just in time to be my countdown date. We toasted the New Year and air kissed everyone. Danny was OUT when I stumbled home. He had a slow start this morning and swears that he's never drinking again! We'll see how long that lasts...

We are in the car right now headed for a New Years Day party with the kids. The party is a yearly tradition held at the home of our friends Kelly and Dave. All of the girls god brothers and sisters will be there.

-- Post From My iPhone